Free LET Practice Test: Professional Education

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Prof. Ed.

Professional Education 10 Random Questions

1 / 10

What kind of activity should be given to advanced students after the lesson is taught?

2 / 10

What are formalized norms, created by legislative body, upheld by people with government power and enforced by legal authorities designated by the government?

3 / 10

What is the reason why learning activities should be carefully planned?

4 / 10

A kind of communication where the players use language.

5 / 10

The emphasis towards material development while giving up human development means that the school needs to emphasize which pillar of education?

6 / 10

Which statement about median is correct?

7 / 10

Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum highlights on the development of the skills in writing, counting and reading. This manifests the great consideration given to the philosophy.

8 / 10

Both review and practice are necessary to reinforce retention of what has been learned. The latter is most useful in the___?

9 / 10

You will be assigned to another school after the second grading period. You will:

10 / 10

In order to keep the teacher from talking “too much” without diminishing her role as a guide during the class discussion, which of the following would be appropriate?

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LET Practice Tests