Free LET Practice Test: Professional Education Practice for the LET with this free online practice exam. This is a 10-item test. The correct answer will show as soon as you choose an answer. Come back daily to get a new set of questions. /10 0 votes, 0 avg 43278 You have 7 and a half minutes to answer this quiz. Prof. Ed. Professional Education 10 Random Questions 1 / 10 It was developed by Jerome Bruner which states that the individual learns from his own discovery of the environment. A. reception learning B. motivation phase C. learning phase D. discovery learning 2 / 10 Which pillar of learning is vital in building a genuine and lasting culture of peace in the world? A. Learning to Do B. Learning to Be C. Learning to Live Together D. Learning to Know 3 / 10 There is a confusion in the process of issuing diplomas in your school. Which of the following will you suggest immediately? A. Create an incident report with the principal B. Create a workflow chart C. Assignment of one teacher as project manager D. Development of an organizational chart 4 / 10 Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum highlights on the development of the skills in writing, counting and reading. This manifests the great consideration given to the philosophy. A. Progressivism B. Perennialism C. Idealism D. Essentialism 5 / 10 In order to keep the teacher from talking “too much” without diminishing her role as a guide during the class discussion, which of the following would be appropriate? A. Ask the students to provide input and ask them to recite. B. Talk only if the pupils are ready to listen. C. Use some silent signals or non-verbal cues. D. Assign pupils leaders to take charge of the class. 6 / 10 What is the he process of gathering and organizing empirical data for systematic analysis to aid in future decision-making? A. Standard deviation B. Assessment C. Test D. Evaluation 7 / 10 This educational program promotes equality among students belonging to different cultures and religions A. Indigenous development B. Cultural immersion C. Sectoral solidification D. Multicultural education 8 / 10 These are the ways of life of the members of a society which are organized and repetitive. A. Rituals B. Customs C. Folkways D. Mores 9 / 10 Republic Act No. 3019 is recognized as: A. Code of Conduct for Government officials and Employees B. The Magna Carta for Teachers C. Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act D. The Professionalization of Teachers Act 10 / 10 A kind of communication where the players use language. A. verbal communication B. mimicking C. non-verbal communication D. gestures Your score is The average score is 67% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz LET Practice Tests Professional Education English Major