Taking the LET is easy if you know the dates that you need to take note of. If you are planning to take the LET, here are the tasks that you need to do and their respective deadlines:
LET March 2019 Important Dates
When is the Next LET Exam? March 24, 2019
When can I start applying for the LET? The filing of application started on October 11, 2018
When is the application Deadline? The last day of application is January 23, 2019

Where should you start?
Here are the steps that you need to take to start your application:
1) Collect the following requirements:
a. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records (TOR) with:
- Special Order (SO)
- date of graduation
- seal of the school
- scanned picture
- remarks “For Board Examination Purposes Only” (CHED recognition and permit to operate for graduates of new schools / programs)
b. Original and Photocopies of Authenticated Birth Certificate (NSO)/ PSA Marriage Contract for female applicants
c. Receipt of Examination Fee of 900 pesos (Paid through your selected payment option)
d. Cedula (Photocopy)
e. PRC Number (From the Information Section of the PRC Office)
2) Next, go to the PRC Website to start your application
Click here for more information on the online application process and the filing requirements
3) Pay through your chosen mode of payment
At the time of the writing of this article, you have the option to pay through Land Bank or through manual payment in the PRC office.

4) Go to the PRC office with your requirements to complete your application.
The PRC office gives out numbers to organize the applicants. If you live near a PRC office, you can get a number during office hours. If you live far from a PRC office, you can ask someone you know to take a number for you.
After taking a number, ask the information desk in the PRC office when your number will be entertained. Most PRC offices have a schedule for when each number will be catered to.
When I applied for the LET exam, I got my number on a Monday. The information desk instructed me to return on the following Friday because that’s when my number is scheduled to be entertained.
Your goal in the PRC office is to get the Notice of Admission or NOA. You will need this document to take the exam.
Related: Online LET Reviewer
Good luck future LPT!